Sealed Stories

Ruth’s Testimony

From captivity to freedom

presented at the Virtual World Sealed Conference 2021

JoAnna’s Testimony

From on the run to getting home

presented at the Virtual World Sealed Conference 2021

Ana’s Testimony

From being lost to being found

presented at the Virtual World Sealed Conference 2021

Tiwan’s Testimony

From prison to freedom

presented at the World Sealed Conference 2019

Renay’s Testimony

presented at the World Sealed Conference 2019


Spoken Word Poem by Aina Nghipuilepo

written for the Virtual World Sealed Conference 2021


Spoken Word Poem by Aina Nghipuilepo

written for the Virtual World Sealed Conference 2021

Place me like a SEAL over your heart, like a SEAL on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.

- Song of Solomon 8:6